Hello reader, and welcome to my very first photography post.

Why a blog now?
This blog will be a great platform to keep you updated on my new photographs and projects. As I am ready to take my photography to the next level, what better time to start blogging but today? Photography is now my full-time job, when the twins permit it.
What will it be about?
Think of this blog as my "photo trip" journal. As I am able, I will disappear from home for a morning or afternoon (a full-day if I am lucky) for a photo trip. I will choose a specific location, shoot there as long as my body will let me, and I will take as many pictures as I can. Back at home, I will blog about where I went, what got me interested that day, and hopefully share some interesting anecdotes. I will post a video taken on location as well as a few unedited images. Finally, I will post a fully edited photograph. That way, you will get an idea of my process.
During the shelter in place months, I make sure to take photo trips in sparsely populated trails, within only 5 miles of my home. I travel with mask and gloves, and keep my distance when passing by a ranger or a lone hiker.
I hope you will enjoy my posts and my art. I would love to know what you think, so please ask questions and share your thoughts! Stay healthy and safe!